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Knowledge Playbook

David Giard Interview with Jeffrey Miller - Building a Second Brain

David Giard interviews Jeffrey Miller about Second Brain topics

Smart Outlook Search Folders Save Time

With a little customization, Outlook can quickly become more productive. Search Folders are a great way to find things anywhere in your mailbox.

Brain Maxed Out? Add a Second Brain!

This presentation from Stir Trek 2024 shows how to use digital note taking apps like Evernote, Notion, or OneNote to achieve your goals and give your first brain a break!

Grab a Highlighter! Learn How to Master Work Intake (Book Review)

A review of Mastering Work Intake by Thomas M. Cagley and Jeremy Willets.

Seasons of Love - Ode to C#

There are seasons to everything - including that programming language I enjoy so much - C#!