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Knowledge Playbook

Grab a Highlighter! Learn How to Master Work Intake (Book Review)

A review of Mastering Work Intake by Thomas M. Cagley and Jeremy Willets.

Seasons of Love - Ode to C#

There are seasons to everything - including that programming language I enjoy so much - C#!

Tribal Knowledge in Agile Teams - The Path to Agility 2022

This presentation from The Path to Agility 2022 gives practical advice on helping teams manage their knowhow in more inclusive ways.

Tribal Knowledge in Agile Teams - Codemash 2020

This presentation from CodeMash 2020 covers knowhow that seldom gets written down, but is vital to our everyday work.

Undiscovered Treasure is Worthless

Even the richest cache of information is worthless if no one knows it's there. It helps no one, and the effort in creating it is waste. Help others discover your investment!